Edited by Jane L. Scheiber & Harry N. Scheiber. This symposium issue presents three articles exploring the legal history of the former Pacific island
territories of the United States and of other colonial powers. In addition to editing this symposium, the Scheibers have coauthored with Benjamin Jones
a ground-breaking article on the treatment of Japanese-American citizens under the regime of martial law in Hawai’i during World War II. Judge Alfred T.
Goodwin contributes an article exploring the continuing role of the Ninth Circuit’s Pacific Islands Committee in the former Trust Territories in the Pacific.
Jon M. Van Dyke provides an analysis of the history of the South Pacific Judicial Conference and its successor, the Pacific Judicial Conference, and the
role their leaders have played in advancing the rule of law and judicial independence in the region. 243 pages, 6 x 9, trade paper. Vol. 22, Nos. 1 &
2 (2009)