How to Submit an Article

Western Legal History is a refereed journal published by the Ninth Judicial Circuit Historical Society. The Editorial Board welcomes unsolicited article manuscripts; books for review; and proposals for articles for the journal.

Submissions may concern any aspect of the legal history of the Western United States and of the law of neighboring countries to the extent that there was a demonstrable impact on the legal landscape of the Western United States. Submissions are welcomed from judges, scholars, practitioners, students, and others who have expertise in relevant subject areas.

Feature Articles are substantive, scholarly articles. Preferred are manuscripts that are 25-35 pages in length (10,000-14,000 words), not counting endnotes, charts and tables, and photographs. A reasonable number of endnotes, 20-30 per article, generally is appropriate. We look for clear, concise writing that is engaging and thought-provoking.

Articles published in this journal are available through HeinOnline and are abstracted and indexed in America: History and Life; Historical Abstracts; Index to Legal Periodicals; and Legal Resources Index.

Submission Process

All manuscripts must be submitted via email to Manuscript submissions should be sent in MS-Word and should include a cover sheet with title, name, address, phone number, and email address. Subsequent sheets should be paginated but not have any identifying marks other than the title.

An author can expect to receive a final response within 90 days. As part of that response, the author will be informed of the likely time of publication.

All submissions are exclusive until they are published unless the editor- in- chief provides a written release for submission to another publication. Articles that are accepted for publication are subject to WLH’s copyright policies. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyrighted material from other sources.


Please send all submissions and questions to